
Knee Injury Physiotherapy in North Vancouver


The knee joint is made up of the femur (thigh bone), tibia (lower leg bone), and patella (kneecap). These three bones are held together and supported by the soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments) that surround the knee. Additionally, the surfaces of the bones are protected and cushioned by cartilage and menisci which also help [...]

Knee Injury Physiotherapy in North Vancouver2021-05-26T02:32:41-07:00

Intramuscular Stimulation / Dry Needling In North Vancouver


Intramuscular Stimulation, also known as IMS or dry needling, is an adaptation of traditional acupuncture, which our Cypress physiotherapists commonly use in North Vancouver.The IMS approach is used for the diagnosis and treatment of persistent myofascial pain syndromes, including muscle, joint, tendon, bursa, fascial, neural, and biomechanical problems. The goal is to restore balance at [...]

Intramuscular Stimulation / Dry Needling In North Vancouver2021-05-26T02:17:30-07:00
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